Sunday, July 21, 2013


"I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me" (Philippians 4:13).

Philippians was written by Paul to assure the believers in Philippi of God's unfailing purpose in all situations. He speaks in this 4th chapter of Philippians about an "I can do" attitude. Paul's experience in various circumstances of life, made him to conclude generally that he could "do all things." He could bear any trial, perform any duty, subdue any evil, etc. He now expresses the firm confidence that nothing would be required of him which he would not be able to perform. As expressed in our text, Paul's declaration was not a vain self-reliance, nor was it the mere result of his former experience. He knew well where the strength was coming from, the strength by which he could do all things, and upon that arm of the Almighty GOD that was able to uphold him, he confidently relied. He learned how to rely on God’s strength. Paul was not a victim of his circumstances, he was a victor. He knew that the Lord is in control, and he also knew that it was a matter of choice for him to trust in the Lord in all of his circumstances. Paul chose to trust God even in the dark.

Philippians 4, verse 13, is a scripture we should always keep present in our hearts and minds. Whenever we face difficulties, or things that are greater than ourselves, we need just to remember the God we serve, and how, through HIM, we can do everything: I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Here is one of the great Bible truth, the experience of God’s strength, God’s power, and God’s victory in our circumstances. I hope this scripture will stick with you not only today, but also that it would stay with you throughout your lifetime. There is nothing impossible with God (Luke 1:37), and likewise through Him and HIS strength, there is nothing impossible for us.

According to our text, if you just read the first part of this verse, it would immediately sound an alarm indicating arrogance: "I can do all things." This was the spirit that attempted to build the tower of Babel but could not succeed. Many today infected by humanism and without any trust in God - make the same claim: "I can do all things." Yet, no sooner had they begun a project than you see them failing. But the next two words, "through Christ" in the verse take this out of the context of arrogance completely. So, it is no longer a boast of self: "I can do all things." Rather, it is, "I can do all things through Christ." Which makes a big difference. It is one thing for someone to say, "I can do all things." It is quite different for another to confess, "I can do all things through Christ."

Now to get the impact of this, pause and think about what you could not do without Him. Without Him, you could not have adequate knowledge of God. Without Him, you could not experience victory over sin. Jesus said to His disciples, "without Me you can do nothing" (John 15:5). In Ephesians 2, verse 12, the scripture teaches that outside of Christ, we have "no hope" and we are "without God in the world." Therefore, being with Christ and through Him; in our relationship of active faith in Him, we have strength we could not have in any other way. Through Christ, we have strength that comes through born again experience, and the baptism of the Holy Spirit. Through Christ, we have strength in answer to prayer we offer to God through Him. Through Christ, we have strength to adequately evaluate ourselves. Strength of character as we follow His example and obey Him. Of the strength which Christ can impart, Paul had had abundant experience; and now his whole reliance was there. It was not in any native ability which he had; not in any vigor of body or of mind; not in any power which was in his own resolutions; rather, it was in the strength that he derived from the Redeemer.
Today, the POWER of GOD is still flowing, and His strength is made available in such abundance that we can do everything God wants us to do - I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength. In your life experience, either good or bad, you have a choice to trust in God and His strength. Many times we feel that we are powerless victims of fate. Our attitude is "I can not" overcome, "I can not" make it, "I can not" do this or do that. It is an attitude of doubt and disbelief, and a lack of trust and faith in God. This attitude is of the devil and is not of God. The devil would want us to think that we are worthless and cannot do anything. God wants us to think positively, and to change from the "I can not" negative attitude to the "I can" positive attitude. In the same breath, Paul reminds us that our "I can not" becomes "I can" through Christ. How?

By learning to rely on God’s strength in your life situations. In fact, what is very important to see here is that this spirit of "I can do all things through Christ" is "learned", which means to "learn by experience." As you exercise your faith muscle, your ability to trust Him grows. You learn to rely on God’s power through your life experience, one choice at a time, and what you find is that your faith grows even greater the next time a difficult situation arises. That is why Paul’s faith grew as he walked with God. He learned to trust in God’s strength day-by-day. Paul encourages the church at Philippi that even though they may be going through tough time, that they, through Christ, can do all things. And I believe that God wants us to have that kind of attitude today, no matter what we are facing. Now you may ask this question, "How do I get over the "I can not" negative attitude?

Beloved, we need to recognize that our ultimate, all in all strength, is found in God and God alone. Apart from God, we really can not do anything, but when we get hooked up to the ultimate power source, which is Jesus, we can do all things according to his will and for his purpose. I believe what David says, "The Lord is my strength and my redeemer." God is our ultimate strength and source. We have to get hooked up to God to overcome the "I can not" negative attitude. We must deal or do away with fear and anxiety. As it is written, "For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind." We fear trying new things, why? Because of fear of the unknown. But we have to realize the POWER God has bestowed upon us. Fear and anxiety are tools of the enemy, and we need to recognize the power God has given us over him. The Bible says, "If you resist the devil, he will flee!" We have to get over our fears in order to conquer the "I can not" negative attitude.

As a Believer, you must believe in yourself too - you have to BELIEVE that you can do it or make it happen. We have to believe that we can do whatever it is that we are trying to do. Are you relying on His strength today? Where do you need God’s strength today? In what area of your life do you need to claim the promise of His strength? His grace really is sufficient. Jesus Christ called Himself the Alpha and the Omega, and we do not have to go outside of him for anything that we need. He is God’s "everything" in all situations. Jesus is all-sufficient God for us. We have to exercise faith in things we don’t see yet. The most important part of a tree is the part that you cannot see - the root system, and the most important part of the Christian’s life is the part that only God can see - the life of faith. Unless we draw on the deep resources of God by faith, we will fail against the pressures of life. Paul depended on the power of Christ at work in his life. Therefore, he declared, "I can do all things by means of the strength of Christ in me." I am the instrument, He is the power! You too must believe that you can do it or make it happen in this life through the same power of GOD. God’s Word is true: "I can do everything through him who gives me strength." You can do all things through Christ who strengthens you. I encourage you, no matter what you are facing today, you can do it, and you can make it happen, just stay close to God, and he will empower you, TO DO ALL THINGS!

Here are three important facts I don't want you to miss:
(1). God’s strength is sufficient in our trials and burdens.
(2). God’s strength is also sufficient in whatever the Lord calls us to do. That God who empowered Paul to fulfill his mission is still the same today, He will also empower you, He will strengthen you to do what He has called you to do.
(3). God’s strength is also sufficient to empower us to face whatever the future holds.

As you read and apply this message to your heart the Almighty God will richly bless you. Remain blessed in the LORD. Keep on reading and following the LORD, JESUS CHRIST...from Evangelist Chikadibia S. F. Emenike. See me at:,,,,,,,,,, etc.

Saturday, July 6, 2013


"And Joseph was brought down to Egypt; and Potiphar, an officer of Pharaoh, captain of the guard, an Egyptian, bought him of the hands of the Ishmeelites, which had brought him down thither. And the LORD was with Joseph, and he was a prosperous man; and he was in the house of his master the Egyptian. And his master saw that the LORD was with him, and that the LORD made all that he did to prosper in his hand. And Joseph found grace in his sight, and he served him: and he made him overseer over his house, and all that he had he put into his hand. And it came to pass from the time that he had made him overseer in his house, and over all that he had, that the LORD blessed the Egyptian's house for Joseph's sake; and the blessing of the LORD was upon all that he had in the house, and in the field. And he left all that he had in Joseph's hand; and he knew not ought he had, save the bread which he did eat. And Joseph was a goodly person, and well favoured" (Genesis 39:1-6).

God is with us always, even unto the end of the world. As it is written, "LO, I AM WITH YOU ALWAYS, EVEN UNTO THE END OF THE WORLD." Beloved, If you won't remember anything else remember that GOD IS WITH YOU ALWAYS. When Jesus says, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world, He means it. He is God who is a "being with." He is with us and we are with him; He is within us and we are within Him: the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, always, until the end of the age. Our God is not a God who is far away, sitting on a throne in heaven somewhere; our God is a God with us always.

Over and over with each of the main characters of the first book of the Bible, God sets forth His providential control, His foreknowledge and His predestination of everything. God walks us step by step through the doctrine of providence. He shows how it relates to our responsibility, and He shows how He uses even the evil purposes of men to further His good purposes, not only in redemption, but even in the individual lives of His people. It’s almost like God establishing a barrier whereby we can’t possibly go on and misinterpret the rest of the Bible, having studied Genesis where His foreordination, His providence and His foreknowledge is so clear.

Here we see God’s hand of providence guiding Joseph’s life and by the hatred of His brothers.

After Joseph’s brothers sold him into slavery, the Midianites took him down to Egypt and sold him to Potiphar, an Egyptian officer of Pharaoh, the captain of the bodyguard, bought him from the Ishmaelites. Potiphar is called "the captain of the bodyguard," which means he was the chief executioner or chief of police. In other words, he had charge of security of the palace, with the power of life and death, under the supervision of Pharaoh.

For a moment, try to put yourself in Joseph’s shoes. Let us assume you are seventeen years old. You are the favored son in a family of twelve sons. Your father had chosen you to be the head of the family and he had given you a beautiful robe to symbolize this fact. You are on the path to power, influence and prominence in your family. Then, in a moment of time, everything is gone. You are stripped of your coat. You are betrayed by people who should have loved you. You are separated from your father. You are sold as a slave and carried off into a strange land. Imagine the humility of being examined and sold in a slave auction. Imagine the lies Satan must have told him. Imagine how Joseph must have felt as the camels crested the last hill and the wonders of ancient Egypt spread out before him. It must have been a great culture shock to this young man from the country. On the surface it seemed that circumstances could not have been worse for young Joseph. In truth, those difficult days were mere stepping stones along the path to greater glory. It may have appeared that all Joseph’s dreams had been shattered, but the God Who gave the dreams in the first place was working behind the scenes to ensure that they would all be fulfilled in His time.

Now, it was not a coincidence that Joseph ended up in this man’s home. Without Joseph's knowledge, the Lord had sent him to Potiphar’s house to prepare him for the important task which lies ahead, that of serving as the second highest official in the land of Egypt. But in order for this to happen, Joseph first had to learn the language, culture, business, and politics of Egypt. And it was not handed to him on a silver platter. He had to get up early and stay up late to do his job and also learn the Egyptian ways.

We can determine a sequence of events that culminated in Joseph’s promotion to the second highest position of power in Potiphar’s household. Joseph was a shepherd, so it would have been natural for him to begin his "career" in the fields of Potiphar. His master would first have observed his success in the fields. Good reports reached the ears of Potiphar, who then brought him into his house. What a lesson to be faithful in little.

What no one could see in all this trouble surrounding young Joseph’s life is stated clearly in Gen. 39:2. In that verse, the Bible says, "And the Lord was with Joseph." I want us to learn the great truth that our God is always with His people to see them through in their trials; to accomplish His plans in their lives; and to use them point a lost world to Himself. As we study these truths, please keep in mind that what the Lord did for Joseph, He will also do for you. The LORD was with Joseph, so he became a successful man in the house of his master, the Egyptian. Thus we are to understand that at the most uncertain time of Joseph’s life, when he could see nothing of God, the covenant-keeping-God of Israel was at work to effect His covenant promises through Joseph. In the same way, you and I must understand that as we walk with the Lord, He too will be with us. Even though the circumstances of life may not seem to go our way or as expected, God is in control. He will orchestrate His purposes behind the scenes. We can lean on Him. He will be faithful to us. As I have told you before, God’s purpose in our trials is not to harm us, but to develop us. We can trust Him to protect us and grow us amid the hardships of this life. Our God is in control!

In chapter 39, verse 3, something profound takes place. Moses writes: "Now his master saw that the LORD was with him and how the LORD caused all that he did to prosper in his hand." God’s blessing upon Joseph was not ordinary prosperity — it was phenomenal and unexpected, because even Potiphar had to admit that the Lord was with Joseph and was making him to prosper. Imagine how strong Joseph’s testimony had to be for Potiphar to recognize and admire Joseph's character and attributed it to God rather than Joseph. Though Potiphar was a pagan, but Joseph’s life was so uncommon and supernatural that Potiphar had to sit up and observed all that Joseph did.

A lesson that can be learned from the life of Joseph is that God’s blessings are not dependent upon the circumstances but upon one’s relationship. Joseph was brought to the place that was within the location of God’s purpose. God was there with him all of the time.
A person can have the blessings and the prosperity that comes from God by being faithful wherever that person is. I am constantly encouraging people to "bloom where they are planted." Sometimes people forfeit God’s best because of discontent. They think that they can never have the blessings of God right where they are. The proportion of blessings that you receive is proportionate to one’s faithfulness to the Lord. God wants to prosper you wherever you are. This may not base in your personal finances. Prosperity and blessings from the Lord can come in so many different packages. There are so many who are disillusioned in thinking that prosperity is only measured with money. Not so! Joseph was blessed of the Lord because of his relationship to the Lord. He also was under the covenant blessings of the Lord. We can be under the blessings that comes from His grace to us.

Some might have looked at Joseph’s advancement in the home of Potiphar as "good luck". They see a young man like Joseph and he has some bad breaks, soon afterwards things turn around for him. Things start heading the other way for good. People look at that and they say, "He is a lucky Man or His luck is shinning." I want you to know that "luck" had nothing to do with Joseph’s success. In fact, there is no such thing as "luck". Luck is not for the children of the living God! Joseph prospered because God blessed him. Joseph prospered because God saw in Joseph a man He could trust to do His will.

Conclusively, what I want you to see here is this: Joseph was in a bad situation, but he still lived a life that was blessed by the Lord. Joseph was one of several men in the Old Testament who learned to lean upon the Lord and grew in their faith despite terrible difficulties in their lives. He could have become bitter because his brothers sold him into slavery. He could have become lazy in his work but he did not. He works while no one is watching. I am sure that his life was a life of endless drudgery and service, but he was faithful to his tasks. Someone once said, "A Christian is one who is completely fearless, continually cheerful, and constantly in trouble!" Joseph’s life illustrated this saying exactly; however, Joseph was always able to triumph over adversity. Joseph is a picture of faithfulness both to God and man in bleak circumstances. His character caused him to be faithful to his God and to his human master. As a result, God blessed his life and his work.

Here are two thoughts I do not want you to miss:
Just because you are going through trials and problems does not mean that God is not blessing you. You might not see Him moving in your life, but just trust Him and in His time, He will manifest His presence, His glory and His power.
Joseph made the best out of a terrible situation. He demonstrated a proper attitude in the midst of his trials. So should we! We must have the courage to do the right thing. The secret to happiness in hard times is how you respond to what is happening to you. Ninety percent of living a joyful life is simply responding well to your trials. Life is what you make it!

There is no greater encouragement for the believer than just knowing that the Lord will neither leave nor forsake us. The presence of the Lord should sustain us and keep us from really being lonely. The three Hebrew children, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego had the Lord with them in the fiery furnace. David faced Goliath and said, "for the battle is the Lords" which signified that the Lord was with him. The Lord was with the children of Israel at the parting of the red sea. The same GOD yesterday, is with YOU today, and will be with YOU forever. GOD IS WITH YOU ALWAYS - Amen!!!

As you read and apply this message to your heart the Almighty God will richly bless you. Remain blessed in the LORD. Keep on reading and following the LORD, JESUS CHRIST...from Evangelist Chikadibia S. F. Emenike,,,,,,,,,,, etc.