Wednesday, January 23, 2013


Read Matthew 16:13-20, “He saith unto them, But whom say ye that I am?” That is to say, who do you say that I am? According to Matthew’s gospel, before asking this dangerous question, “whom say ye that I am?” Jesus had earlier asked his disciples, “Whom do men say that I the Son of man am?” Apparently there had been a lot of speculation, wondering, and rumors swirling around those who followed and listened to Jesus. Hence the question, who do people say that He is? People wondered about him and gave a lot of answers. It’s all very interesting, and It matters. What you say about JESUS affects your entire life and view(s). If you see Jesus differently, everything changes. This is the reason he asked these insiders, “who do you say that I am?” Jesus wants his followers to see him differently. Jesus’ question is an invitation to take personally and seriously. He wants us to answer for ourselves rather than depending on the answers of others. It was a self-defining moment for Peter. Through the grace of God, he had discovered himself in the presence of the one who disclosed God, and revealed the WAY OF GOD - the way of love and justice. He spent the rest of his life figuring out what that meant for who he was and how he lived. “Who do you say that I am?” Evidently, we have to answer for ourselves, and our answers will disclose as much about us as they do about Him. My answer? You are the one in whom I am loved, and called to love. My life is about figuring out what that means for who I am and how I live. Remain blessed…from Evangelist Chikadibia S.F.E.

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